What Our Clients’ Are Saying
Major City Metro Upgrade
” … Arnold Dix acted in the capacity of Independent Verifier for this project. He was involved from an early stage, providing input to high level considerations for further review by the team. As the project progressed, Arnold contributed collaboratively and professionally, reviewing methodologies, input parameters, detailed scenarios, model outputs and reports. …. a rigorous approach was adopted and a robust outcome was achieved. Arnold’s extensive experience in Metros has added greatly to this project. Arnold’s approach was professional and pragmatic.”

NFPA Standard 130 – Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
NFPA Standard 502 – Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access Roadways
“… this letter is to acknowledge the commitment and participation of Arnold Dix as a valued member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) … Arnold has served as a primary voting member on the technical committee to this highly specialized fire protection standard for over ten years.
Recognised as an international expert in the area of tunnel fire protection and life safety concerns – including risk assessment, tunnel operations, and emergency response planning, Arnold has brought significant contribution and industry recognition to the development of these NFPA Standards over his long tenure of service.
Arnold’s international experience, knowledge base, professionalism and integrity are well recognized by his peers …”

Lakanal House Fire Tragedy 2009
“… Your determination and commitment shown during last year, had a huge influence in drawing out the issues which needed to be addressed, for which the fire safety sector in the UK should be forever grateful. … Thank you again Arnold for providing such skill and expertise in identifying the key issues and likely solutions on which the case focused …”